Drawing Stylistic Birds

Laura Ann Cohn
3 min readMay 16, 2020

Realizing being an artist is who I am

Swan Pair — LAC Birds

Sometimes dreams take time to develop. The bible even says that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. The Byrds released a song in 1965 based on those bible verses called, Turn! Turn! Turn! There are defining things about the laws of the Universe. An oak tree grows along its established design. Plants and animals and people all grow based on their design.

There are things about us as people that are different than plants and animals. Even though physically we will grow along a certain established design in our DNA, spiritually and mentally there are variables we get to choose. We have free will. We can think and do what we want to within certain parameters. But even with our ability to choose, I think some things are hard wired into us.

We all serve a purpose in who we are and who we are here to be for other people. Most of the time I don’t know exactly what my purpose is but I’m serving my purpose whether I know it or not. And when it comes to what I’m here to do, I have to admit, there have been many years of my life where I felt pretty clueless. And all that time and experience contributed to who I am today.

When I was a kid, I loved drawing. When I got older, I loved art. After college, in my early twenties, I started seriously creating art and pursued it as a career. I got to a certain point with it and then found myself turning a corner. I dropped my dream of art thinking I had done all I could and it was time for something else. 14 yrs later it came back again. Then it was put away and now it’s back.

The interesting thing to me is that it didn’t seem like any time had passed when I picked up a pen to start drawing again. I began drawing birds based on the swan I saw 30 years ago in a vision. It was like my dream was waiting for me to come back. The same love and the same peace still washes over me when I’m working on art. It’s the most wonderful feeling.

I think everyone has been given a gift that is uniquely theirs. And I think, like me, there are probably people who put down their gift and focused on what they needed to do so they could pay bills, have their families, and find a place in the world. As an artist, I don’t feel at right inside if I’m not doing my art because in my soul my place in the world IS my art. I didn’t realize that before.

If you have something you really love or something you used to really love and you haven’t been doing that, it may be a good time for you to go back to that and spend some time reviving the thing you truly love doing. Maybe the reason you’re reading this is because you need to get to the peace in your soul that makes you the person you were created to be.

Until next time…Do what you really love for a least part of your day.



P.S. You can check out more Stylistic Abstract Birds at LAC Birds

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