There Is Good In Everything

Laura Ann Cohn
3 min readMay 28, 2020

Lately, I’ve been focused on the law of polarity. Everything has an opposite. There is an up and a down. If there is an inside, there is an outside. If there is bad, there is also good. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It’s how things were designed. It’s a law of the Universe. It doesn’t change.

I think that sometimes when we are doing things, working on things, we have a goal in mind and we can have an expectation of what we want. Things aren’t always going to fall in line with what we hoped for. That can bring up disappointment or frustration. But, when I think about the law of polarity, I can look for the good in a situation so the bad in what I might think about it loses significance.

I’m always amazed at how blessed my life is after going through a trial or a hard time. I become stronger, wiser, and more grateful for what I have. When I look back at some of the more difficult things, it seems that the hard times brought in a much better time. Maybe it’s because I became better from the experience. Day always follows night.

The reason I choose to focus on the positive as much as I can is because it helps me stay balanced emotionally. Negative energy can be draining. Anger, bitterness, competitiveness, jealously, and those kinds of things take too much out of me. It’s not worth the price I pay if I go into that mindset. I’m working on becoming more disciplined in choosing my thoughts. It takes practice and focus.

It’s not that I’m unaware of what is bad. It’s that I’m more interested in spending time enjoying the good that can come from a situation. I want to make the best of my life and be grateful for what I have. I wasn’t always good at seeing good. When I was younger, I did not have a great amount of understanding of these kinds of things. It was hard to be me when I was like that.

There are some films that a couple of brothers produced. And in each film, the main character had a change in heart. After that change of heart, the character said that they wanted to end well. Maybe they had missed the mark before. Maybe they weren’t able to do very well. Maybe they were that person you don’t want to be like. But now, they wanted to end well. So do I.

I’m writing about this because I hope that if you haven’t been seeing a lot of good around you that you can look for it now in a different way. I’m hoping you can see the blessings that come after a storm. I’m hoping that if you’re in a storm now, that you can look for the good and really appreciate it. I hope you can recognize that you can make the most of your life where you are now.

Until next time…Celebrate the good in everything.



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Laura Burton
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