True Success Happens When You’re Working With Others

Why having the support of a team will help you fly farther, faster.

Laura Ann Cohn
5 min readNov 2, 2019
Support spelled out in scrabble tiles

It’s the entrepreneur’s dream to own their own business. An idea happens and then another thing happens and then another and then…a new business is being formed. The most successful people share their dream with others. When others believe in that dream together they make it come true.

The true strength of the entrepreneur is the vision they have of what could be. To make that vision become a reality they need to have a team working with them. Support comes in many forms. The belief and encouragement of other people ignites the spark and brings in the air that fuels the fire. Without it, the entrepreneur usually doesn’t get very far.

Everyone needs someone to believe in them

This may not be something you think about but it’s very hard for people to accomplish much if they don’t have someone in their life that believes in them. And depending on the background you have, believing in yourself can be a challenge. Some people are never able to overcome self doubt if they didn’t have someone to encourage them and believe in them when they were younger. People tend to remember the negatives more than the positives.

The people who overcome great difficulties either get an idea they can do something because they saw someone else do it or they have someone in their lives that believes in them and that is enough for them to break through their previous limitations. When someone has a strong belief in something they are driven to do, their energy is dynamic and can draw a crowd. There is an unstoppable force that thrives in a challenge when the drive to succeed at something is strong.

Every great leader believes in the people they lead. In return, the people believe in the leader. People need support and encouragement. A strong leader supports and encourages the people they lead. They can identify a person’s true talent and can bring out the best in them. A true leader understands how to support a person’s weaknesses and gives them the guidance they need to become stronger in those areas and grow.

It takes a village

Anyone who is in business needs customers. Anyone who is in business needs people to support what they’re doing. They need good friends, contractors, employees, and fans. No one who is successful in any area of their lives is an island unto themselves. Lone wolves don’t thrive outside a pack. The person who succeeds the most recognizes how crucial it is for them to have the right team working with them.

Another thing a lot of people tend to forget when they are growing and building their business is how to maintain their professionalism when they’re busy or stressed. The most successful people value other people and treat them with high regard. They articulate things clearly when they communicate and understand that how they treat someone has a lasting impression. No one has the luxury of mistreating another person. They may be forgiven but they may not get another chance.

The health of the whole is dependent on the health of each individual. Owners and managers need to be aware of how their team is doing. Everyone has importance in an organization. Every person needs to be treated with respect, courtesy, and kindness. If people are being mistreated or lied to they will not be able to do their best work. Integrity is more important than some people think. People care more when they are cared about.

Build others up

Philippians 2:3 says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves.” That’s a pretty tall order. Mainly because we are naturally prideful and full of our selfish wants and desires. A Pastor once told me, “When someone is smart they need to be careful. Knowledge puffs up.” Trying to be important, wanting to make a mark, or seeking fame can send someone on an ego trip that’s not pretty.

Focusing on helping others with their success is hard for people who have felt like they have been put down or taken advantage of before. When someone wants more their battle cry is “What about me?” “Where’s mine?”. When someone has been treated like they are stupid, they may want to be recognized for being smart. At some point, people have to get over themselves and let go of old feelings that hold them back. But that’s hard if they still feel hurt and alone.

The good news is that when you help other people succeed it’s one of the most rewarding things you can do. When an owner works at making their team successful and their customers successful, the organization is successful. When the organization is successful, that is a great feeling. If an organization is failing, it’s because the owner isn’t paying attention to whether or not people are successful working with the organization as a customer, as an employee, or as a vendor.

The most successful businesses are the businesses that give their customers the best products and services they can. Customers are valued like gold. It doesn’t mean that mistakes won’t happen or things won’t go wrong. That’s just life. Business owners that really care about the products/services they’re producing tend to have the most loyal customers around. Customers are your lifeblood. They are your best R & D department. Your customers are your success.

When a business owner isn’t focused on the customer’s experience, (and it’s easy to get off track on this at times), the business suffers. When customers aren’t happy, employees are not happy. The worst thing a business can do is work with customers who aren’t a good fit for them. A miserable customer isn’t worth the money they pay you. If a business isn’t able to do a fabulous, great job for a customer or client, they should not try to take them on. It will backfire badly.

It’s no surprise that a lot of organizations put out messages saying that when you are their customer you’re a part of their family. It’s overused a lot. For people who were raised in a dysfunctional family, it’s not the best tag line. For some people, having one family is enough.Treating customers like they are part of your team gives them importance. Their voice is heard. Their happiness matters. Their success is your priority because they’re paying you.

When you’re looking at your business and what you’re doing, work with the right people for you. Make sure that you’re building the right environment and people aren’t falling through the cracks. People are human and have feelings and goals. They are more than transactions and recurring payments. People are here to serve themselves in their lives. When you have a successful business you serve others instead of just yourself.

Until next time…Find more people you can do things with. You might just find there is someone you didn’t know who would love to help you fly.


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Laura Ann Cohn

LAC Birds, Sales and Marketing Consultant and Coach.